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Project Expensive by kids, MCreator

Project Fruit by TwistedCarny

Adding fruit to Minecraft!

Project Increase: Mobs by jeremias, MCreator

Project Increase: Ores by jeremias, MCreator

Project Intelligence by brandon3055


Project Kerbal: Jool by ToastyJack

Project Lambda by Melonslise

Project Lambda is an ambitious project aiming to re-create the classic shooter masterpiece, Half-Life, often debated to be the best game of all time that revolutionized its genre, in Minecraft.

Project MMO by Harmonised#6495

This mod is Whack, yo

Project Nova by ZollernWolf

To evolve, to explore - to go where no man has gone before.

Project Paragon by speedywolf, MCreator

Project Penguin by spjoes/DonutUnicorns

It adds animals. Like penguins

Project Plastic by java_power

Plastic Craft Rebuilded !

Project Prism by KodingKing1

Adds new types of unique gear and weapons to your Minecraft world!

Project SAO by Skyy

This is Project SAO a mod for LotusCraft Network