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poworeful by Teh_Coyote

Gain power and fight for your life in the aftermath of a great war


Made by pozo.To get the higher version,join the QQ group:335819374!:-)

practice by ����, MCreator


This is DX!

precious metals by jmeld, MCreator

prefixmanager by leelawd, SuperslowJelly

A simple and easy to use custom prefix manager, based on MMCPrefix, adapted by Jelly.

pregenerator by DeathCamel57, Speiger

Pregenerator is a mod that allows to pregenerate worlds so performance is most optimal. This server/client tool includes the following features: Multithreaded/MultiWorld Generation that allows for a faster Worldgeneration and Multiple worlds at the same time, a Chunk Deleter that allows to clean up worlds a lot quicker without the need of a Server Restart, a UserInterface/ProgressInterface that allows to easier see how things are done

prehistorique_patches by Admin, MCreator

prigione by Utente, MCreator

primal_tech by vadis365

Primal Technology.

pro_pro_pro by youai, MCreator

proba by 1, MCreator


This is an example mod