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It adds pugs toyour minecraft!

Pullback by

Teleportation Syndrome ACTIVATE!


This adds to Minecraft a new material:The Pulsium!

Pulver by oitsjustjose

A dynamic dust-adding mod

Pumpkifiction by Mudresistor

All Hallows

Pumpkin Carvier by pau101

Makes pumpkins carvable.

Pumpkin Carving by Cleverpanda

Carve pumpkin faces! Grow pumpkins without faces.

Pumpkin Clothes by licht

Happy Halloween!!

Pumpkin Spice Latte by TheMasterGeneral

For the white gurlz everywhere!

Pumpkin Tools by EnderKing

Pumpkin Tools and Armor.

PumpkinNinja AutoFishing Mod by PumpkinNinja

Automatically reel in and re-cast when fishing and it recasts after the clearlagg

Punch 2 Prime by NeRd

A one-mixin mod to emulate pre-Beta 1.7 TNT behaviour!

PunchSuperman by ExampleDude

Punishing Death by Lemons

Delete's your items on death!

Punishment Mod by Cloud

A mod that can punish all the bad players with some commands