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TarCraftZ by A1MERCet

TarCraft - Z



Tardis Mod by DarkholmeTenk

A mod which adds functional TARDISes to minecraft


Adds blocks for your own TARDIS

Tardisium Mod by 10e_Docteur, MCreator

Targaryen DLC by Hummel009

Powered by Hummel009

TargetMark by NurseAngel

Target mark

TargetMark by NurseAngel

Targeting API by Kovak

Mod for exposing a common targeting api.

Tarkraft Keys by juanmuscaria

Tartaros by Pyrofab, CobraDarkPoney

A mod aimed at making death more interesting


Enter unto your doom!

Tartheus by Arrowstorm606

Tasmarine mod by Snowielove1

Material mod.


This is an example mod

Taste of Rice Dumplings by R_Liu

A Rice Dumplings mod.


Wings, Pizza, Fries! This mod adds tasty foods into Minecraft! Experimental Version

Tatami by wags_13

A Japanese Architecture mod for Minecraft

Tatooine Craft by Apero, MCreator