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This is an example mod

TmTmc-Gravels by smmmadden, MCreator

Take Me To Minecraft - Gravels

TmTmc-OresAndMore by smmmadden, MCreator

Take Me To Minecraft - Ores And More

Tmtravlr's Arrow Trails by Tmtravlr

Adds some simple arrow trails. 'Paint' them onto your bow using a Bow Painter and dyes or a few special items.

Tmtravlr's Timer by Tmtravlr

Adds a simple timer set by commands. All commands start with /timer, so type that and press tab to see what's available.

TnTTag Timer by Explode

A timer to display the time left before explosion.


TnT mob go Boom

Tnt Boots by abyze, MCreator

TntExpert29's Mod by TheTntExpert29, MCreator


Enter short description here

To Egg, Or Not To Egg by Kinyoshi

Adds craftable mob spawn eggs and needed items...

To OP Mod by julia, MCreator

To the Bat Poles! by Seth0067, EnderLanky

A mod for sliding down the poles.

To the Bat Poles! by Seth0067, EnderLanky

Craftable poles for sliding and climbing

To-Do Mod List by Shirkit (shirkitx)

ToLaserBlade by Iunius118

Adds a Laser Blade.

ToMe Setup by ToMe25

ToMe25(0)'s Setup Mod.

ToMeSetup-MoreStartItems by ToMe25

an Addon for ToMe25's Setup Mod to add more Start Items.