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The Vegan Option by squeek

Adds vegan alternatives for the various animal products used in Minecraft.

The Veggie Way by kwpugh, MCreator

Veggie foods

The Virus Mod by Komok050505, MCreator

The Void

Adds the Void dimension.

The Void by Herobrine027, AKA Nimbleguy

Ever wanted to be a voidwalker?

The Void Expansion by GGCrosby, MCreator

A small expansion to Minecraft.

The Void's Shadow by TheNewMaker, MCreator

Enter short description here

The Warp Mod

Travelling thru Minecraft will never be the same!

The Wasteland Mod

In the year 1337, an apocalypse hit Minecraftia. The sky became dark, the grass died away, forest fires rampant, and the rivers ran dry. The only ones left alive are the creatures of the night, and one human, trying to survive. That human is YOU!

The Wasteland Mod by Silver_Weasel, The_Holy_Frenchman, The_Holy_Frog, MrSpring

Finally updated, once again! In the year 1337, an apocalypse hit Minecraftia. The sky became dark, the grass died away, forest fires rampant, and the rivers ran dry. The only ones left alive are the creatures of the night, and one human, trying to survive. That human is YOU!

The Way of Shinobi Mod by FlashHUN

Adds in custom items for The Way of Shinobi Server.

The Weed Mod by M@St3r_iLLuSioN

The Weed Mod allows you to make joints and get high in Minecraft!