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Mod Downloader by KewaiiGamer

This most will create a config where you can write the url for the mods you want to download when the game starts

Mod Dream Craft by DreamMasterXXL

Core mod for the DCraft pack.

Mod FeedTheMichel by MrBenji285

Mod ajoutant une monnaie, le FTMCoin, qui peut être échangé contre des items.

Mod Info Finder by Horfius

A simple idea I had and made, enjoy! If you have ideas or things you'd want to see from these files, but don't, please leave a message on the thread!

Mod Info Lister by noahc3

Tool for modpack creators. Exports mod information such as names, versions, authors, etc to a CSV file in ./ModInfoLister/modlist.csv

Mod Inspector by mike

Extracts various game data.

Mod List Dumper by UntouchedWagons

Writes the list of installed mods to the standard output.

Mod Lister by Vazkii

A mod that lists mod. Whenever you load the game, this mod creates a file with the mods you have loaded and info about them,

Mod M by TinouHD, Burning

Mod in DEV

Mod Manager by Mimus

Simple manager de Mod

Mod Nam1.2.5.citycraftmod by simon, MCreator

it adds sandwiches and icecream and more

Mod Name Tooltip by mezz

Show the ItemStack's mod on its tooltip.

Mod Name fire by Marfin, MCreator

Enter short description here

Mod Namecns by shwarma, MCreator


Mod Power Game by Folgansky

Only created for Power Game

Mod Quang Play by Quange1211, MCreator

Mod SAO 1.12.2 by wolft, MCreator

Mod Serveur SAO Rewind by wolft, MCreator

Mod Stats by Let's Dev Together Team

Mod Stats is a mod which allows you to gather usage statics about the mod used on a server

Mod Suffercraft by Azword

Mod développé par Azword pour Suffercraft.

Mod Survivant by elx9000

Le mod ultime de la survie

Mod ayzroll pour episka by Ayzroll

Ceci est un mod de ayzroll pour episka ,.

Mod bloques resistentes by US90AGOSTO, MCreator

Mod da Cherry by Vallery Corr�a, MCreator

Mod gun ice armor by Mod gun ice armor, MCreator

Enter short description here

Mod na Unown Bloki by Zyczu by zyczu

Mod dodaje na nowo Unown Blocki, ktĂłre twĂłrcy pixelmoda usuneli z minecraft!

Mod na pĂłlschodki by Zyczu by zyczu

Mod dodaje nowe pĂłlschodki do minecraft!

Mod na pĂłlschodki by Zyczu by zyczu

Mod dodaje nowe pĂłlschodki do minecraft!

Mod pelmen by gre4ka, AntManTheAnt

This mod adds a new tasty Russian food in your Minecraft

Mod pour map by CLEMENT, MCreator

Mod proba by jprah, MCreator

Mod1 by

Japanese and English translation are 100%

Mod2 by Trenton, MCreator


This is an mod


mod divertido para mudar o minecraft


This is a little weired mod I put together over the weekend


Ban Mods

ModBasis by Gods_Help

A little mod developed just for fun.


This is an example mod

ModBioCodeV2 by Furti_32, MCreator

Bio and Code

ModBlocker by Waterdude


Provides final control over mods to the player.

ModBrowser by Crafterchen3

Its a Mod which can install other mods.

ModCarlos by Usuario, MCreator

ModClothingplus by Titoo8899, MCreator

new Clothing in Minecraft



ModCore Container Mod by Sk1er LLC

This exists only to show how to properly implement ModCore and for us to test it .


Enter short description here

ModDelayer by MazeXD

ModGUI by MinusKube

Mod permettant de modifier le GUI du base du jeu.

ModGames Forge Mod by mypalsminecraft, TurtlePoop2001

The mod that governs all minigames.


This is an example mod




This is an example mod


Just a little mod that I made Over The Weekend

ModMenu by Straky04, MCreator

Add menu for your game


This is an example mod


This is an example mod


This is an example mod


Adds in OP tools and weapons.


Update to the older version, containing 3 new items and crafting recipe's.



This is an example mod


This is an example modwaffa


This is an example modd


This is an example mod


Enter short description here


This is an example mod


This is an example mod


This is an example mod


This is an example mod