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The four swords become the Aether...


SwordsAndThings adds swords and things


This mod adds swords and mobs


Without the special abilities

Swylands by Swyftgaming

Generate aesthetically pleasing skyblock islands.

Sycon's Star Wars Mod by Syconn_modding, MCreator

The Beginig of the Jedi Power update.

Syconn's Hero Mod by Syconn

A Hero Mod for Minecraft. Adds Super Hero's costumes, tools, gadgets, character. Make sure you check out my channel to add new things to this mod.

Syconn's Star Wars Mod by Syconn_modding, MCreator

Meet your favorite characters and adventure in custom dimensions and biome.


The Sylvver test mod

Symcalc by meew0

A mod that allows you to check the symmetry of Thaumcraft infusion altars.

magic util opensource addon

Syn Fix Damage by 淇鍚屾鑰愪箙涓婇檺


SynCore by Synoot

Coremod for Synoot's mods - contains basic machines and items used in most mods.

Sync by iChun

Sync mod, made for ModJam 3. Allows multiple player instances.

SyncUsesCore by Cloud

Now Sync's shell constructor needs a sync core to use.

Syndaryl's Sledgehammers by Syndaryl

Block smashing sledgehammers for tunneling.


This is an example mod

Synthite Mod by Christoph_45

A mod which introduces Synthite Material and much more...

Syrup by E

Sickly sweet additions

SyrxCraft Mod

Mod for the syrxcraft server.

System PhysicsCraft by Rumaruka

Industrials-magic mod.

Sythiex's Stuff by Sythiex

Adds a bunch of stuff


Better smelting,Magic Ball,more tools,more crafting recipes,more,more food and more armors!

Szey Mod by Asus, MCreator

SöafCheat by felixlenz, MCreator

T'sEmblems by tommyte

This mod contains some very cool items that you can find in a dungeon chests. They're extremely rare, so keep looking :P

T-Square Builder Tools by Giltwist

Precision creative building tools for single player Forge from one of the original devs of VoxelSniper

T1 Update Mod by T1


TAGMOD by My Computer, MCreator

TANDimensions by brainandeyes

Add TAN modifiers in specific dimensions

TAS Recorder by Pfannekuchen

It records

TAS Tickrate Changer by Guichaguri, Cubitect, famous1622, ScribbleLP

Let you change the client/server tickrate, merging the Tickratechanger with some features of Cubitect's Cubitick Mod, fixing many issues in the process

TASPlace by Hashblen

A better fastplace mod to work on very low tickrates.

TASTools by ScribbleLP

Tools for MC-TASing

TATAN WR Mod by Trico Everfire, Baxterdam (RpgJones)

Adds a water refinery for ToughAsNails



TBECoinsMod by yannis2707

Adds coins to the game!

TBF MOD 1.12.2 by James Fibe, MCreator

This adds one block that is very hard to break and can be used as a fuel, the fuel is way better than coal and charcoal.

TBL loader by Wyn Price

A mod used to load .tbl files as blocks.

TBTR by SrgantMooMoo, Gav06, AcaiBerii

Game optimization mod for Minecraft 1.12.2.

TC Inventory Scanning by BlayTheNinth

Allows hovering over items while holding a Thaumometer to scan them.

TC Node Tracker by Dyonovan

Tracks scanned nodes for Thaumcraft

TC Research-Helper by Knoxz

Makes your Thaumcraft Research easy!

TC Utility by Jeronimo


TC4 Research Port by SumTingWong886

Thaumcraft 4 research system ported to Thaumcraft 6.

TC4Helper by wohaopa

Client-side Mod for automated research

TC6 Aspects for JEI by ZaBi94

Find a list of items that share a common aspect


This Mods Adds New creepers, 2 New Bosses, 4 New Items and 2 new swords

TCBotaniaExoflame by Matthias Mann

Botania Exoflame support for Thaumcraft's Alchemical Furnace!

TCC Mod by jason, MCreator

TCFastCrafting by Dazo66

TC FastCrafting mod.

TCFastTrading by Dazo66 MC_Eden

TC FastTrading mod.

TCH by Egorpom

Специальный мод для FastCraft

TConstruct Addon: +Steel by Toops

Now you're tinkering with steel!

TDK by NicosaurusRex99, MCreator

Thousand Degree Knife Mod



TE AutoJoin by Refrigerbater

One click of the join button is all you need! Sit back and relax while you wait to join full servers!

TEMPLAR Cosmetics by TheAlphaEpsilon

Various cosmetic exploits. For any questions, comments, concerns contact TheAlphaEpsilon#7015 :)

TEOreGen by BStramke

implements Thermal Expansion Ore Generation for 1.6.4

TESLA by Darkhax

A modern power API


A Simple upgradeable Modular Solar Panel which generates the new Tesla Power

TEST MOB by Undercover_Luk, MCreator


Enter short description here



TF Simply Magic

A Mod that adds a simple magic system.

TF2 Dispenser by pitman-87

Adds TF2 Dispenser to Minecraft... yay!

TF2 Items by Teotw

Health and Ammo Pickups à la TF2 in Minecraft. Built: 12/12/13 05:06 PM