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Sk1er Old Animations by Sk1er LLC, LlamaLad7


Sk1er Public Mod by Sk1er

The awesome public mod provided by Sk1er

Sk1er Ranked Projectile Mod by Sk1er

Allows you to have the ranked projectiles without unlocking them. Client-side only!

Sk1er's Meme Mod by Me

What is this



Skelet Dimension by MilchbarHD

Eine Mod für BaastiZockt

Skeleton by Baijson

Baij's library, used as both a library for his mods and modpacks.

Skeleton Horse Spawn by Rick South

Allows the skeleton horse to spawn naturally with a skeleton riding it and other tweaks.

Skeleton Horse Spawn by Rick South

Allows the skeleton horse to spawn naturally with a skeleton riding it and other tweaks.

Skeleton Lamps by kopallfruits

Mod adds skeleton lamps and decorations


Added Skeleton Armor. Use bones to craft them in the traditional way.


Skeletron Added to Teminerraria

Skeppy Mod by its_meow

A mod that adds many features related to Skeppy and his channel.

Skewers by Casadis

Adds various Skewers.

SkiDoo Mod

Adds a skidoo jetski into Minecraft.

Skill API by Paraknight, GotoLink

Skill Display Mod by yhr_C

Made by yhr_C.

Skill Trees by Z_Doctor

A base mod to make skill trees

Skill XP Mod by DDOZZI

A simple mod used to check skill data.

SkillBar Mod by MrMks

A mod that allow you to have another bar to place your SkillAPI skill, this will actually do nothing if you don't use SkillAPI. To enable this mod in game, you need to use my SkillBar plugin on server.

Skillable by Vazkii, wiiv

Skills and Abilities. Made for the Modoff.

Skillful by Tapio

Skin Layer Switcher by Whodundid

Continuously toggle the Layers of the skin to create basic animations!

Skin Mod by SecondAmendment (Samuel P Caetano)

Alters second skin layer visibility when sneaking.

Skin&Bones by mchorse

Allows to embed animations into Minecraft via Metamorph

Skin&Bones by mchorse

Allows to embed animations into Minecraft

SkinFix by LoveHoly


SkinPort by zlainsama

This mod adds rendering support for the new skin format introduced in minecraft 1.8

SkinShifter by LoadingByte

A Minecraft mod that allows players to change their skin to arbitrary images. It also supports multiplayer.

Skinned Carts by Mrbysco

Adding Minecarts with skins.

SkinsRestorer by Blackfire62

Restore & Change your skin!

Skittles by OhItsDeadpool

A colorful way to highlight your vanilla!

Skorpio's NotOnlyMoreOres by sorash67 || Skorpio

Bunch of stuff added by Skorpio!

Skorpio's NotOnlyMoreOres Mod by sorash67 || Skorpio

Bunch of stuff added by Skorpio!

Skorpio's Washing Machine Mod by sorash67 || Skorpio

Washing Machine that decolors colored blocks!

Skraby's Apple Trees by SkrabyZarc, MCreator

I got sick and tired of waiting for someone else to do it...

SkullForge by Entropimus and MuscleMan1234

Want some trophies? You've come to the right place...

Skulls and Monkeys by markgrisham, MCreator

SkullsPlus by Joserichi

SkullsPlus adds skulls drop to mobs and new skulls uses.



Sky Grid by Funwayguy, Darkosto

A highly configurable sky grid mod for modded Minecraft

Sky Islands Creator by Jacky1356400

A companion mod for Skyblock lovers!

Sky Resources by Bartz24

The skyblock companion mod. Everything comes from nearly nothing.

Sky Resources Classic by TheEmosewaPixel

The skyblock companion mod. Everything comes from nearly nothing.

Sky's Butter Mod by Romejanic

Adds majestic butter stuff to Minecraft

Sky's Food Mod by bb8bo, MCreator



SkyBlock Addons by Biscut

A mod with a few features to improve your skyblock experience.

SkyBlockBonus by TGMDevelopment

SkyBlockImproved by q256

A mod for improving your Skyblock experience. Type /sbi to get started


No Description

SkyBlockTools by EmptyIrony

你好,感谢你看到这里。这或许是2021高考前最后一个发行版本,对于停止更新,非常抱歉。这个Mod几乎是我一个人开发完成的,中途难免碰到一些‘特性’,好在你们的及时反馈,我也能修的非常顺利。谢谢你们支持,这个Mod最终迎来了稳定版本。这是我高三的最后一个暑假了,虽然很短,但是感觉也做了挺有意义的事。人生路很长,一起加油,共勉! By 存在

SkyBlockWorld by Rilai


SkyBonsais by Davenonymous

Integrates SkyOrchards with Bonsai Trees


Skyblock is more cool

SkyChanger by Daniel Scalzi (TheKraken7)

Change the color of your personal sky.

SkyClaims by Mohron, Cossacksman

SkyClaims is an Island Management plugin that integrates with GriefPrevention.

SkyClient Updater by My-Name-Is-Jeff

Checks for new versions for mods in SkyClient and updates them to their latest versions.


Revamp of original SkyCraft mod.


This is an example mod


This mod adds a new cow into the game that looks like SkyDoesMinecraft

SkyFactory 2 World Generator by ExampleDude



Adds Stuff