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BExChat by Graphic

A Beam Chat Client for Minecraft!

BExChat for 1.7 by Graphic

Beam Client for Minecraft (Singleplayer Only)

BFCore lib by BestFoxy

BFDIA mod by PC, MCreator

BH-Menu by BisectHosting



BILLUND by Daniel Ratcliffe

Plastic building blocks for Minecraft!

BLC Timers by LlamaLad7

A forge mod that displays timer data sent by servers for the Badlion Client

BLSquadMod by Yario


BLoader by blvxr

B's Chunkloader Plugin

BM327opposition by Jluk, MCreator


This is a advanced butter minecraft mod

BMExtras by bonin888

Adds some machines and more


Black World

BNBGamingLib by Blargerist, superckl, CoolSquid

Shared library between all BNBGaming mods.


Basic Ores, Armour and Tools

BOHA by Guichaguri

Blocks connections from hacked accounts

BOP Integration by Amnet

Biomes O Plenty with other mods

BOP-Gems by StoredJaguar

Gems from Biomes O' Plenty


This is an example mod


This is an example mod

BOTA: The night of the Deads by Alex

In the world of minecraft, a biome with dark energy suddenly appeared. Creatures with power no one have seen before. Do you have the courage to go into these lands?

BP Ingots by Peffern

This mod adds a Pewter alloy used in cookware to TerraFirmaCraft.



BQ - LotR Addon by Elrol_Arrowsend

Adding some LotR tasks to Better Questing

BQ Forestry Expansion by SenilePenguin

A Better Questing Expansion to allow the use of Forestry Bees and Trees

BQEnergyExpansion by 0xKate, Funwayguy, GTNH Team

A plugin for BetterQuesting to add EU tasks.

BQExport by Dogboy21

BQShim by AntiquiAvium

BQShim mod.

BQTweaker by Fonnymunkey

Tweaker to modify some aspects of BetterQuesting

BREAD-Sponge by Sunbread

Block Redstone Event Analyse and Diagnose

BRForgersCore by TheBrazillianForgersTeam

Libs, Mod-Sharing Classes and Variables, Some Addons and Tweaks Modules. A Bit of everything!

BRM by osqpl, MCreator

Blue Rubin mod

BSA Mod by Gaarnik, Asceliopos

The official BSA Mod from BSA serie


The Blue Screen Mod

BTC Mod by BlueyTheCircley, MCreator

This mod adds various blue things like Mobs, items, etc. It includes some other colors of things. Incorporates Mcreator 2019.5

BTCore by AndyBTTF

Core mod for many mods by AndyBTTF.

BTE Helper Mod by curryp0mmes

Build The Earth requires tedious repettive tasks, this mod helps.

BTE KML Importer by CodingPupper3033

Imports KML and KMZ files into the Build the Earth server. KML & KMZ are standard ways to export points and lines on a map.

BTE KML Importer by CodingPupper3033

Imports KML and KMZ files into the Build the Earth server. KML & KMZ are standard ways to export points and lines on a map.

BTE Location by Joshua Miller

Teleports you to your IRL Location

BTE-Utilities by noahhusby

A set of tools and improvements for the BuildTheEarth modpack.

BTESatelliteMapper by m4ndeokyi

Generates satellite imagery data into Terra++ World.

BTETerraRenderer by tf2_mandeokyi

Renders various external maps for BuildTheEarth project.

BTETerraRenderer by tf2_mandeokyi

Renders various external maps for BuildTheEarth project.


Some usefull tools and UI addictions that improve the performance of BTE builders.

BTFU by capitalthree

Server backup done right

BTFixes by ACGaming

Minimally invasive fixes for Battle Towers

BTOOOM! by ´Ù¸¥ÇÏ·ç

[1.6.4] BTOOOM! v1.0

BV by BV, MCreator

Enter short description here


shows bedwars stats over head (s/o to ElderEnt for being the first use)

BWStars by Secured_#1847

A player stat checker utility with various usages.

BaGua by til,HTOD,空空

this is BaGua

BaM's Doubledoor by DerBaM

Makes it so that both doors on a double door, fence gates upon each other and trap doors up to a grid of 2x3 open together when opening one by hand or with redstone.

BaM's Grave

Instead of dropping your inventory on death, a grave will be dug in which a buried chest with your inventory and experience lies. The grave will be inscribed with your name and time of death. This helps to keep your things from getting lost or despawning.

Bables by DrMeepster

A test of Baubles.

Baby Animals Model Swapper by MrIbby, cocoavalley

Replaces vanilla baby models with models created for the original Baby Animals Mod.

Baby Mobs by Furgl

Adds baby versions of many vanilla monsters, each with its own special abilities.

Baby Yoda Mod by TheNoobCelebrity

A mod that adds Baby Yoda and Lightsabers to Minecraft! For information on how to summon a Guild Worker, or to find crafting recipes, etc., click on the URL.

Baby Yoda Mod old by R�su

Adds Baby Yoda to Minecraft!

BabySteffoo by Utente, MCreator

Back Mod

This is a Back to the Future mod.

Back to Eco by Tebreca, Igrek, xMrV1zzy

A mod that turns minecraft more into nature science.

Back2block by Sukus, MCreator

Turns slabs and stairs into full blocks ecs dee

BackSlash API by GiantNuker

GiantNuker's Modding API

BackStab by Inforno

Adds backstabbing to Minecraft!

BackTools by iChun

This mod adds a new aesthetic feature onto players. Like its name it shows some tools on the back of the player. These tools are based on the last equipped tool that the player had.

Backdoored by cookiedragon234, Tigermouthbear, Carbolemons

Minecraft -Hacked- Client

Backhand by LouisXIV

A backport of the vanilla Minecraft offhand for 1.7.10.

Backlytra by Aesen 'unascribed' Vismea

Elytra for 1.8.9.

BacklytraBoost by Acuadragon100

Firework rocket boosting in Backlytra

Backpack by Eydamos

Provides the player with multiple, colored backpacks, which each has the space of a normal chest.

Backpack Baubles by Chloe Dawn

Allows for Quark Oddities' backpack to be equipped in Baubles' body slot