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Simple Zoom by ChronoPositron

A very simple mod allowing you to zoom. Nothing more, nothing less.

Simple gamemode change 1.12.2 by luika, MCreator


Automaticly excavate a large area. Powered with IC2-EU energy, can mine area from 4x4 to 32x32 (are must be specified with Landmarks).


This mod allows you to fly with the armor of Minecraft


SAM, is a mod that takes multiple weaker easy to crate armor and weapons

SimpleAutoRun by Mysticdrew

Simple hotkey for Autorun

SimpleBroadcast by TrenTech

Broadcasting plugin

SimpleChat by TrenTech

Chat management plugin

SimpleChunkLoader by Gigabit101


Plugin to clear all entitiy in your server


More coins from IC

SimpleCommand by Yorl418, MCreator

SimpleCommands by Ve6om

Simple, and easy custom commands.


Simply displays coordinates.

SimpleCraft by McKiller5252

This Mod Adds Recipes That Arent already ingame


This Mod Will make crafting recipies that should be added into the game. Will Update


Simple recipes for simple things


Craft the Uncraftable!


3 new types of coins

SimpleDexRewards by CraftSteamG

Rewards for filling up the pokedex.

SimpleDifficulty by Charles445

Mod that adds temperature and thirst mechanics based on Tough As Nails

SimpleEnergy by Aaron1011

Provides some simple blocks that act as Forge energy sources

SimpleFileManager by Ve6om

Simple file utilities for servers.

SimpleFluids by Gigabit101, Mj11jM

Adds Simple Fluids

SimpleGraves by TehNut


SimpleGuns by nerdboy64

A gun mod designed and balanced around survival mode. Has 10 guns, 12 throwable bombs, gun racks, and a gunsmithing workbench.

SimpleHUD by TGMDevelopment


A Server IRC bridge mod that is extremely simple.

SimpleInventoryStarter by MrAmericanMike

Simple Inventory Starter Mod.

SimpleInvisibleBlock by ImDefaltNF

Just some inivisble block.

SimpleLogin by Seraph_JACK

Simple Login

SimpleMultiFarm by LosJustos

Shear all sheeps, feed all animals, turn all dirt to farmland and plant all seeds around you.


SimpleOres 2 by AleXndrTheGr8st

SimpleOres 2 is a more-ores mod with a surprising amount of effort put into balance.

SimpleOres Biomes O' Plenty Plugin by Adahel

Biomes O' Plenty scythes made with ores added by SimpleOres 2 and copper bucket with liquids added by Biomes O' Plenty.

SimpleParser by Plinto

Мод создан корпорацией Анонимус (Использование: -pp)


Objects for your party in Minecraft !!


A very simple basic permissions plugin

SimplePrefixManager by kristi71111

A simple prefix manager using the LuckPerms API


Adds craftable redstone armor and tools into Minecraft!


Create simple Sponge scripts using English.


Simple sirens, alarms and Bells

SimpleSkyBlock by Adversarius13293

Vanilla-close Skyblock experience.


Craft for slimeball


Re Smelt your armour for equivalent materials

SimpleSurvival1.12.2v2.5 by RobhighpreistofDagon, MCreator

SimpleSweep by djmanly

Simple Minecraft mod that removes the sweep attack unless the weapon is enchanted with a sweeping enchantment (i.e. Sweeping Edge).

SimpleTags by TrenTech

Add custom tags to player chat

SimpleThermosFix by PTH_Xenon

A mod to fix some issues about Thermos server

SimpleTimeChanger by My-Name-Is-Jeff

SimpleToggleSprint by My-Name-Is-Jeff

SimpleUselessOres by Paul, MCreator

SimpleViewModels :> by Plinto

Использование: -cfg save name, -cfg load name

SimpleWoodenPipes by Dogboy21

Simple Wooden Pipes.

SimpleWorldGuard by SQwatermark

Protect your world form block updates that you don't have complete control over

Simple_mud_Mod by Rhys, MCreator

Simplepistol by kpier, MCreator

Simplesabers by scaryclown, MCreator

Simplevotelistener by Rubbertjuh

Simple Vote Listener for Sponge

Simplified Horses by Fusseel

A small mod to bring the 1.13 horse model to legacy versions.


Make life easier in Minecraft!

Simplistic Super Swords by GGCrosby, MCreator


Simply Acceleration by xt9 (IterationFunk)

Adds the Accelerator, a machine that can increase the tickrate for bound tile entities.

Simply Arrows by Darkhax

Simply adds arrows.

Simply Backpacks by Flanks255

Simply Backup by Sima214

A simple mod for backing up world data

Simply Bedrock by SHsuperCM

Simply Bedrock is a mod aimed to make players regain control over bedrock

Simply Blocks by Leon, MCreator

Simply Caterpillar by The_Fireplace

Adds a caterpillar drill to Minecraft.

Simply Cats Mod by Mnesikos

Cats! Cats everywhere!