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WorldBar by JELLY

Simple plugin to display the current world above the player's toolbar.

WorldBorder by Brettflan, RoyCurtis

Efficient, feature-rich mod for limiting the size of your worlds

WorldCraft by phoenixHD, EmeroX498

You love MC ? then this mod is vor you !

WorldEdit by sk89q, wizjany, TomyLobo

WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game world editor for Minecraft, supporting both single player and multiplayer.

WorldEdit CUI Forge by lahwran, yetanotherx, nejinx

WorldEdit CUI Forge is the ModLoader ported version of the client-side only mod that adds an in-game visual overlay for WorldEdit selections. There is no support for SinglePlayerCommands.

WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition by yetanotherx, Mumfrey, Hexosse

WorldEdit CUI is a client-side user interface for WorldEdit.

WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 2 by Hexosse

WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 2 is a forge client-side user interface for WorldEdit

WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 3 by Hexosse

WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 3 is a forge client-side user interface for WorldEdit.

WorldEdit Items by e splat

Does it bother you that WorldEdit uses native objects in Minecraft and ruins the gaming experience? this mod is just for you

WorldEdit Wand Item by SuperPupperDoggo

Adds a separate item for use as the WorldEdit wand, so the Wooden Axe and Compass(or whatever items previously set) can function normally for all players. Note this is NOT an official WorldEdit addon.

WorldEditSelections by DavixDevelop

Mod for WorldEdit 6 which enables loading/saving WorldEdit selections

WorldGen Block Replacer by The_Fireplace

Allows you to replace a block in your world generation with another block.

WorldGenIndicators by Buuz135

A mod that indicates worldgen

WorldJoinText by Pixtar

Adds one or multiple custom join message(s) for each world/dimension and/or the server.

WorldManagement by Dogboy21


WorldMoving by Dogboy21

WorldOfBones by §aBennyboy1695

Originally made for the §4Hypovolemia §rmodpack.

WorldOfMinecraft_SilvermoonCity by Samantha, MCreator

Objects and decor for Silvermoon City

WorldPregen by Dogboy21

Spongeplugin um Welten vorzugenerieren

WorldProtector by Mosca421

Protect regions

WorldScale by BordListian

Immersive land claims for pvp gameplay


WorldStateCheckpoints is a client mod that allows you to create world saves for your SP worlds.

clientside opensource backup


Only for minetweaker

World_of_dragons by rafaelprozx, MCreator

WorldcraftMod by Alexlx450, MCreator

Worldrebuilder by Aquerr

Rebuilds destroyed blocks after specified time.

Worlds Retold by Xenoform55, T3DK, Anomalocaris101, Scourge

A mod for Winterjam 2018.

Worley's Caves by SuperFluke, booleanbyte

Cave generation with Worley noise

Worm by milla, MCreator

Wormhole (Portals) by SuperMartijn642

Wormhole allows you to construct portals with the use of wormhole stabilizer technology!

Wormholes by armaDio, GabrieleMaurina

Have you ever wondered what happened if you went through a wormhole in minecraft?

Worse Barrels by quaternary

8-stack barrels. Terrible for mass storage. By design!

Worse Solars by ProspectPyxis

Just a solar panel that breaks down after some time.

WorstModsOne by caro, MCreator

Worthwhile XP Bottles by Dark_Lizzy

Makes XP Bottles more worthwhile.

Would Be A Shame by BordListian

What a rotten way to die.

Wowanotherone by crabby

You get what you get boys.

WrapFix by gkappa

Fix line wrapping


Sends commands from inside the Sponge server back to the Minecraft Remote Toolkit Wrapper


YT - Wolf_fang77

Wrelf's Memo Tag Mod by Wrelf

Memo player's information and render as a tag.

Wrelf's Quick Chat by Wrelf

Remade Chat Triggers' EQC module

WtfGunsMod V-3 [1.12.2] by jules, MCreator

More fun items

Wtfmod by YeaTouh, MCreator, YeaYouh

A mod with some weapons, mobs, and a dimension [ MOD IS IN BETA ]

Wu Xia by KG

s mod.

WuXia Quest by Mengpo

Example placeholder mod.

WuXingSet by hxyzg, MCreator

Wuest Utilities by WuestMan

This mod adds many recipes to make vanilla easier to work with.

Wumple Util Library by Stormwind99

Shared library of useful classes and functions for mod development. Does nothing on its own. Reduces boilerplate and duplicate code. Used by Stormwind's mods.

Wundr Mod Utils by wundrweapon

Collection of code used in all of wundrweapon's mods

WurmTweaks by Wurmatron

Tweaks all the recipes in the game along with adding quite a few diffrent items.

WurmTweaks2 by Wurmatron

A Mod Used to help modpack creators create recipes along with some unique features like Web Based Recipes and Custom Crafting Items

Wurst+ by TrvsF

epic goods and games?

Wurst+3 by trvsf

ffs i just wanna do something else

WuxiaCraft by AiresNor

A Cultivation mod for us: Minecraft heros.

Wuyong by Administrator, MCreator

Wynn Expansion by EHTYCSCYTHE, SHsuperCM

A bunch of quality of life improvements for playing on Wynncraft

Wynn Party Frames by Zachary Higgs

A Client-side mod to add party frames to Wynncraft

Wynn Player Hider by Time_Conqueror

WynnLang by Gegaba, Fiw

WynnMarketSearch by

Beautiful stuff.

WynnPendium by EHTYCSCYTHE

A mod for obtaining analytics about wynncraft and using those to provide public infomation

WynnPlus by L4w3s

Adds extra features for WynnCraft, such as a leveling buddy which will let you select a mob you wish to grind and it will inform you how many more you need to kill to level up, advised but not required to be used alongside an existing WynnCraft modpack (WynnCraft Enhanced OR SHCM Wynn Mod).

WynnStats by OriTheSpirit

Wynncraft in-game stat checker.

Wynncraft Bomb Cluster by BeatsDJ

Connecting the Wynncraft world together, one bomb at a time.

Wynncraft Inventory Manager 2 by nbcss

Provide certain utilities for play wynncraft server

Wynncraft Rare Mob Notifier by Trigonometric

very bannable mod.

Wynncraft Voice Project by Sockmower, Techtician, kmaxi

Adds voice acting to Wynncraft!

Wynncraft Worldmap Mod by Kirdow, ThaUnknown_

Official minimap mod for WynncraftEnhanced

WynncraftEnhanced by Kirdow, ThaUnknown_

An Unofficial wynncraft client mod to enhance the experience.

WynncraftRichPresence by HeyZeer0

A simple mod who integrates Wynncraft with discord