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BetterNights by MazeXD

Makes the night even darker and harder


This is a mod that adds more items and tools .

BetterPacksGUI by amber (dreamhopping)

A mod that automatically reloads the texture pack list when you add a new texture pack & allows you to delete/move packs once they are not selected

BetterPingMod by Mitfox

Configure with /btrping

BetterQuesting Gamestage Expansion by Fonnymunkey

BetterQuesting task expansion for Gamestages

BetterRottenFlesh by Jonessc2016

Yet Another Rotten Flesh To Leather Mod.

BetterRottenFlesh by Holmes_shuai

Rotten flash to leather.

BetterScaledGUI by Moulberry


Example placeholder mod.


Use only for skyblock!!

BetterSounds by MitFox

Commands: /jumpreset and /jumpresetmode

BetterSpartanArchery by Bizzoula

Makes Spartan Weaponry Longbows and Crossbows be affected by their material. Also supports multiple addons.

BetterSpawnProtection by TheCodedOne

BetterStorage by copygirl

Adds more storage related blocks and items to the game.


BetterStrokesMod by ExampleDude

A Better alternate of Keystrokes Mod

BetterSwim by Avery Standley, MCreator