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it is the broly's armor and also arel

Brotkasten by DosMike

A Boss Bar, Title and Chat broadcast plugin

Brown Bricks by §5§lNoah Martino

§oHmm, do you have that game, Miney Crafta? Penny was telling me she was playing it on her computer book. Let's play Miney Crafta! Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in Minecrap? I love building bricks with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days -- it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you can possibly have.

Brown Mod by Skek

Adds a Brown ore, along with tools and armor.

Brown Mooshrooms by quaternary

Adds a brown mooshroom! #CoryYes

Browncoal Mod

A Mod which adds Browncoal to Minecraft with you can smelt and do other things...

Browser Compass by LP76, MCreator


BrskaTM's mod by user, MCreator

Bruh Sound Effect by TheGamer37, MCreator

Brutal Hero Mod by Yazxn

Custom Mod For Brutal Hero By Yazxn

Brutal Zombie Siege by Micmu

Improves the horribly flawed vanilla Zombie Siege mechanic, adjustable parameters.

Bryte Mod by SuperGezellig

Superdikke Mod.


This is an example mod

Bucket Mod by Wiader420

Utility mod by Wiader420