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BuildcentricTweeks by Gigabit101

Small tweeks for the Buildcentric modpack

Buildcraft Additions

Extending Buildcraft with Fluid Canisters, Kinetic Capsules, Power Tools and much more!

Buildcraft Tools by Maexx97

Adding chargeable tools and more to Buildcraft

Builder by Microjunk

A different kind of instant structure mod

Builder's Bag by Tschipp

Builder's Bag provides a useful bag which unifies many building mods.

Builder's Bag - ProjectE Addon by Tschipp

ProjectE Addon for Builder's Bag

Builder's Blunder by SteveBeeblebrox

Stop players from building with this new potion effect.

Builder's Guides by Ipsis

Align All The Things!

Builder's Toolkit by Space_Cheetah, Pookie2019

A collection of tools and blocks for builders.

Builder419's Cool Blocks Mod by Builder419

Adds In More Blocks

Builder419's Minecraft Extensions Mod by Builder419

Extension stuff in minecraft


This Mod Allows You To Craft a Block Which You Right Click And Gives You a House So You Can Survive You First Night In Minecraft!

Builders Dream

Builders Dream for flying, walking up blocks, ender chest command, and un-crafting.