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BOP-Gems by StoredJaguar

Gems from Biomes O' Plenty


This is an example mod


This is an example mod

BOTA: The night of the Deads by Alex

In the world of minecraft, a biome with dark energy suddenly appeared. Creatures with power no one have seen before. Do you have the courage to go into these lands?

BP Ingots by Peffern

This mod adds a Pewter alloy used in cookware to TerraFirmaCraft.



BQ - LotR Addon by Elrol_Arrowsend

Adding some LotR tasks to Better Questing

BQ Forestry Expansion by SenilePenguin

A Better Questing Expansion to allow the use of Forestry Bees and Trees

BQEnergyExpansion by 0xKate, Funwayguy, GTNH Team

A plugin for BetterQuesting to add EU tasks.

BQExport by Dogboy21

BQShim by AntiquiAvium

BQShim mod.

BQTweaker by Fonnymunkey

Tweaker to modify some aspects of BetterQuesting

BREAD-Sponge by Sunbread

Block Redstone Event Analyse and Diagnose

BRForgersCore by TheBrazillianForgersTeam

Libs, Mod-Sharing Classes and Variables, Some Addons and Tweaks Modules. A Bit of everything!