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Bionisation by Thunderbird

When viruses and bacteria come in minecraft

Bionisation 2 by Thunderbird

Viruses and bacteria in Minecraft.

Bionisation 3 by Thunder(Thunderbird)

Viruses and bacteria in Minecraft

Bioshock Mod v5.0 by Utytft, MCreator

Bioshock 1, 2, infinite and the dlc�s in one mod!


Bioshock in minecraft!

Biosphere Expansion by RollingThunder_, MCreator

Biosphere Expansion by RollingThunder_, MCreator

Adds some biomes and blocks to Minecraft

Biota by Dynious

Extending Minecraft with life.

Biotechnology by Betkekk

Nature inspires.

Biplanes Mod by Stephen_789, timawesomeness

A mod that adds multi-block biplanes to minecraft


Aggiunge nuovi tools di Birch!

Bird Mod by Silverclaw, DP101

A mod which adds a variety of beautiful and useful birds...eventually

Bird's Nests by Cleverpanda714

adds a pseudo-random reward event from chopping trees.

Birddie's Fantasy Races by Birddie

Adds playable fantasy races.