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brugr by Laurenz, MCreator

bruh. by boomkill, MCreator


Weapons galore!

bspkrsCore by DaftPVF, bspkrs

Shared classes used in the mods maintained by bspkrs.

util dependency opensource

bug fix by godkiller05, MCreator

Enter short description here


This is an example mod


This is an example mod

building blocks by maks, MCreator

buildingcraft by El chapis

Es un mod que a�adira columnas de distintos elementos, losas faltantes de los bloques de minecraft y una mesa que te dra todos los items que ocupes sin nesesidad de minar (no usaras mas el modo creativo para construir)


Mod Butters

byg by AOCAWOL, MCreator

A biome and adventure mod


Very firdt mod by Bynariiz