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Bibliotheca by EwyBoy

A library mod


This is an example mod

Bic Biome Craft by PoisenFox

This Mod adds a bunch of biomes and tools


Remake of BicBiomeCraft

BicReturns by Tung115, Catpan, MCreator

BicBiomeCraft crappily remade for 1.12.2 specifically for my Asgard Returns modpack.

Bida's FoxBlocks

Blocks, Fox Blocks, and more Blocks! We got it all!

BifurcatedHopper by Asatsuki256

Smart and useful hoppers and redstone machines.

Big Asses by -

Nothing but big asses and no taxes.

Big Battery by NoelFlantier

Multi-block battery.

Big Boi Basics by jmanholt929

Additional armor and tools

Big Box by Nacho09

So is Applied Energetics the best storage system? Hmm, we'll see...

Big Buckets by Willbl3pic

Adds upgradeable buckets.

Big Chungus by Elron, MCreator

Best mod ever

Big Doors

Larger 3x3 block double doors in the 6 vanilla wood styles.

Big Factories by Huhlax

Multiblock factories for ore smelting

Big Fusion by RogueLogic