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Easycraft ShulkerBox by Katey, MCreator

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Easycraft_endepearl by Katey, MCreator

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Easyforpack by Nob Senpai, MCreator

This Mod Active In The Hard ModPack

Eat More by medved356,KuchenCrafterLP

A Food Modification for Minecraft.

Eat Some More Things by Michael, MCreator

Eat Yo' Veg! by BlockyPenguin

Adds more easy to make vegetable-based foods for Pam's Harvestcraft

EatCraft by bager, MCreator

Eatable Livestock

Adds lampchops(yes I know they should be called muttons but it will feel as if I'm coping off the mutton mod along with the ablity to shift-right click on a livestock like cow, sheep, pig, etc. and eat it.

Eatable Mobs by Xin_shang

This Mod can make you eat a living creature

Echelon Gems by Yunus Isleyen (Dekamir)

Adds new materials and their respective ores, tools and armour. Made for Grasshopper's Diary.


This is an example mod

Eclean by EricLiu

Used to clean dropped item

EclipseUtility by ���������, MCreator

Ecnanos' More Armor & Tools Mod by Ecnanos

A mod adding extra armor & tools into the game!