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Enhanced Armaments by JanneSoon

An enhanced, unique leveling system.

Enhanced Armanents by JanneSoon

An enhanced, unique leveling system.

Enhanced Armors by _Lorkin_

Adds advanced Armor-Sets to Minecraft.

Enhanced Armory by Nicolas, MCreator

Enhanced Biomes

Adds nearly 100 new biomes, new stone and wood, and new village options

Enhanced Books by zombiepig333

Books improvement? Yes please!

Enhanced Bow

Adds the Enhanced Bow! Wheeee!

Enhanced Comparator by EphysPotato

Adds comparator compatibility to (almost) everything.

Enhanced Energy by just77vs2v

Add's new ways to gain and use your energy. (Or to destroy your neighbours house.)

Enhanced Farming by Mrbysco

A rewritten version of the Better Farming mod

Enhanced LootBags by Namikon

LootBags. As they should be

Enhanced MC by Hunter Bragg (Whodundid)

A modular forge based Minecraft client.

Enhanced Selection Bounding Box by Fuzzybat23

Enhances the selection bounding box drawn around targeted blocks.

Enhanced Server Moderation by Mysticdrew

Create commands and assign them to users.