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eachbiomeasecret by Vallery Corr�a, MCreator

easily craft by 瑞基, MCreator

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easilyrecipe by 瑞基, MCreator

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easly by 瑞基, MCreator

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easy building

easy building

easy ores by gaymerpro, MCreator


This is a mod which adds some very cool stuff for a lot of things! Unsolid block, two types of building wool, lightfalling material and even lightfalling boots which absorb the most part of falling damage! Don't forget to read the information about all these things on MCreator's site! Enjoy!

easycrafting nether star by Katey, MCreator

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easymc by georg, MCreator


This help stone

easymoney by JaoShingan

easyresipemod by Owner, MCreator

easytechnology by Zavar30

eat by user, MCreator