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Electrical Networks Manager by Java_Power

this mod add electrical management ingame

ElectricalCraft by GeniusPilot2016

Copyriight 2019-2022 GeniusPilot2016. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Electricality by GGCrosby, MCreator

Craft with electricity.

Electricity Innovation by Eternal130

Adding steelyard, ElectricOven and other electric machines.


Whos in charge now?

Electro's Rail Gun Mod by Electr01, MCreator

A Simple Rail Gun mod by Electr01 (For help, or ideas, please message me on discord. Electro#4646)

Electro-Magic Tools by Weissmoon

Random things I want in the game.

Electro-Magic Tools by Tombenpotter

Electro-Magic Tools is a mod that combines magic and tech by allowing for magical tools and machines that run off electricity

magic tech opensource

Electro-Magic Tools by Tombenpotter

Ever thought about combining magic and electricity?


This is an example mod

Electroblob's Wizardry

Electroblob's Wizardry adds an RPG-style system of magic spells to Minecraft with the aim of being as playable as possible. No crazy constructs, no perk trees, no complex recipes - simply find spell books, cast spells, and master the arcane!

Electroblob's Wizardry

Electroblob's Wizardry adds an rpg-style system of magic spells to Minecraft with the aim of being as playable as possible. No crazy constructs, no perk trees, no complex recipes - simply find spell books, cast spells, and master the arcane!

Electroblob's Wizardry: Twilight Forest Spell Pack by Electroblob

The official Twilight Forest addon for Electroblob's Wizardry, adding spells and items for all things twilight!

Electrometrics by halvors

Electrometrics is a Minecraft mod that adds electrical components for measuring energy and monitor your grid.

Electronic Measurements by JustPingo

Mesure things with cmputers!