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Entity Culling by Meldexun

Skip rendering of hidden entities.

Entity Disguise

Disguise in to any mob

Entity Explorer by MineWIZ

Entity Hoppers by Wyn Price

Adds a type of hopper that takes items from entities

Entity Id Checker by Nforce Unil Makto

Asigne to Void entity , id who crash the game

Entity Information by Rick South

Displays entity information on hit with the Information Stick. Useful for debugging and developing. Usage: /informationstick or /ist

Entity Purger by Wicked7000

Automatically purges entities based on configuration to reduce lag.

Entity Render Distance by hms11

Provides entity render distance.

Entity Render Extender by TCLProject

Gives a config option to extend from how far away entities render and from how far they are tracked (note: does NOT affect despawn distance).

Entity Spring by jglrxavpok

Link entities together with springs!

EntityBlocker by dohyun22

This mod will block entity from spawning

EntityCount by Mirrgie Riana

Count the entities around the player.

EntityDesyncFix by Meldexun

Fix entity motion desync (for example arrows or thrown items)

EntityDistance by ydmsama

change entity distance.