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Endercows Mod by MineHe

Endercows 2.0!!


This is an example mod

Enderfragments by Janek

The Enderfragments Mod adds Ender Ores which spawn below layer 40 and drop Ender fragments. It adds two new tiers of tools, the Ender Tools and the Ultimate Ender Tools. Ender Tools are as good as Diamond Tools, but have much less durability. They are crafted using Ender fragments. Ultimate Ender Tools are double as fast as Diamond Tools and deal more damage, but are also really expensive.

Enderfuge by TheMasterGeneral

Increased output from smelting vanilla armor/weapons.

Endergetic by SnappyDragon64 (Pengu61151), Camcamcamcam

This mod aims to expands upon The End by adding a variety of features to the barren landscape along with alien flora and fauna to make it livelier.

Endergizer by Shadowfacts

Wireless Tesla batteries!


This is an example mod

Enderion by RoxSd

Enderion V4 by RoxSd

Enderium Power Armor by tterrag

opensource armor tech

Enderium Tools by Assassin00

Adds Enderium tools. #BlameAce


Use the power of the end for strange uses! From mining to a mob farm, the power of the end can complete these tasks!

Enderlicious by DelirusCrux

Spice up the End with new Terrain and Biomes.

Enderman Evolution by TheRealp455w0rd

Adds Frienderman and Evolved Enderman

Enderman No Pickup Blocks by Me

Enderman No Pickup Blocks.

Endermanage by FyberOptic

Allows you to control which blocks Endermen can carry.