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Easy Mining Mod by thvardhan

A Mod Which Is Still WIP But Have Some Ways To Make Your Mining Life Easier There Are Still Lots Of Things I Have Planned For This Mod.

Easy Multiblock by SeiA

Mod about easy making a multiblock structures.

Easy Nether Stars by CynicalRoses

A simple 1.12 mod that allows Nether Stars to be crafted.

Easy Pickings by The_Icy_One

Returning that which was lost.

Easy Retrogen by cpw, KitsuneAlex

A fork of cpw's simpleretrogen mod.

Easy Scoreboards

A plugin to easily create scoreboards for lobbys

Easy Shulker Access by Furgl

Easily access shulker boxes in your inventory!

Easy Teleportation by ziptie_entity

Create a teleportation gun!


This mod add an easy recipe for crafting Blaze Rod


Smelt wheat into Bread

EasyConfigButton by Shnupbups100

makes the Mod Options button in the pause menu lead to the Mod List GUI.