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An advanced attribute plugin for items.

AmberShop by IzzelAliz

A trading plugin.


Adds a universal item to craft multiple things!

Ambidextrous by AlgorithmX2

a mod about using two keybinds for each hand.

Ambience by Vazkii

Your soundtracks music in minecraft

Ambience Blocks by SekaiRed

A mod that adds blocks that can play any sounds in the game (and from resource packs) on loop or with delay.

Ambient Creatures by §6Konlii§r

§bThis mod adds additional functionality for use with TerraFirmaCraft §a0.79.28.§r

Ambient Environment by Jaredlll08

Adds more ambiance to the game

Ambient Events by Daedalus1400

A mod to give pack makers access to events triggered by player and time conditionals.

AmbientAddons by appable

A template for Forge 1.8.9 client-side mods using Kotlin and Essential.

Ambiotic by GraphicH

Scripting engine for adding ambient sounds based on players environment

AmeiroNoTuioku by Titose

iroiro brokku wo tuika.

Americaball_firstmod by Administrator, MCreator

Amerua Items by Treylll Playz Reborn

Adds Ameruanite Items, Holy Items, & the Amerua Forest Biome