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AntiShulkerDispenserCrash by MCUmbrella

Block possible shulker box dispenser crashes

AntiSnipe Mod by WaningMatrix

Minecraft Mod to prevent getting sniped on Multiplayer Servers. Do /sniper for help.

AntiSnipe Mod by WaningMatrix

Minecraft Mod to prevent getting sniped on Multiplayer Servers. Do /sniper for help.

AntiXray by Yeregorix

A simple but powerful Anti-Xray

Antique Atlas by Hunternif

Adds item Antique Atlas. It's like a fancy antique-looking map, which saves all visited locations so you can browse them. Maps are generated around the player based on chunk-average biome. All data is saved on the server.

Antique Atlas Overlay by Christopher Waugh

Minimap Addon for Antique Atlas.

Antique Cities by esotericist

Lost Cities integration for Antique Atlas.

Antique Markers by Dagarath

This mod adds the ability to add custom Antique Atlas Markers

Anvil by AnvilPowered

A cross-platform Minecraft plugin framework

Anvil Enchantments by lazerzes

Craft Enchanted Books in an Anvil!

Anvil Patch - Lawful by Lumber Wizard

This mod removes the level cap from the vanilla anvil, and also the cumulative XP cost for items, in a non-hacky way. It only works for the vanilla anvil.

Anvil Restoration by Rick South

Adds the ability to repair placed anvils with iron ingots and destroy them with obsidian.

Anvil Tooltip Mod by N3ROO

Example placeholder mod.