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AutoDM by Reflxction

A mod which replies to Hypixel friend requests automatically.

AutoDab Online by 9Y0

AutoDab where you can see other people dabbing too.

AutoDamageBlock by sneezy dazo66

AutoDamageBlock Mod

AutoDeathLeaderboard by HoldYourWaffle

Server-side add-on for DeathCounter (by iChun). Triggers the leaderboard in chat everytime a player dies.

AutoEggHatch by ExampleDude

本模组版权所有者为 泼皮 禁止未授权转载或者修改

AutoEnderChests by CsokiCraft

Adds an ender chest useable by hoppers.

AutoFish by ExampleDude

本模组版权所有�?�为 泼皮 禁止未授权转载或者修�?

AutoFish Forge Mod by FreneticFeline

Automatically reel in and re-cast when fishing. A blatant copy of troyboy50's LiteMod version of Autofish that is built on MinecraftForge.

AutoFish for Forge by NorthWestWind

I like playing survival, but fishing is a boring activity... Therefore, I made this mod! Now you can AFK Fish like no one else! Note that this is my first mod, so there might be bugs.

AutoFood by immibis

Allows you to automatically feed yourself.

AutoFriend Mod by CoalOres

Automatically accepts friend requests on Hypixel.

AutoGF by Reflxction

AutoMessage for the Hypixel Network.

AutoGG Java 8 Remake by BGHDDevelopment

Remade Hypixel AutoGG mod that supports Java 8.

AutoGG for Hive

Automatically says gg once the game ends.

AutoGGCZ by Attex

Jednoduchy mod ktory po konci hry napise gg. (Qplay, Survival-Games)