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MobiusCore by ProfMobius

Mobmania by Got Gaming?

Mobmania, the ultimate mob mod.

Mobpression by TheFlash787

Compressing mobs into a smaller problem.

Mobs no render by I'm A Cat[FR]#7202

skip entity render of mobs if they are higher or lower in Y changeable in config.


Mobs Collection In the Minecraft!

MobsCrops by NaturaSpell



MobsInfo by kuba6000

Mod for 1.7.10 that adds info about mods in NEI


This is an example mod

MobsPoop by goreacraft

Mobs must poop

Mobular Machinery by abused_master, EPIIC_THUNDERCAT

A mod based around steampunk, mobs, machines, and more!

Mobultion by McpeCommander

Animaina-like mobs

Mochi by yousui115

Mochi Mochi.

Mod 6502,1 by Enderman842 (Merlin_Paesch)

A Mod that adds Building Blocks, Ruby Stuff, Cups of tea, Some weird rotten egg, Saphire Stuff and more...