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Malleable by Hea3veN


ManPuppy's Fixes & Tweaks by ManPuppy

A personal mod that tweaks Minecraft and fixes gameplay mechanics.

Mana AE by Someoneice

Mana AE

Mana Well by Dark Lizzy

Adds mana wells to the world.

Mana Wells by Dark Lizzy, Epiic_Thundercat

Adds Mana Wells to the world.

Mana Wizardry by BordListian

Configure items to require mana to use them.

ManaCraft by Yaossg, fly25

Mana is the power of nature!

ManaMetalMod by Dragon060810

A mysterious, magical metal mod.

ManaTweaks by Nihiltres

Allows mana manipulation in CraftTweaker events


Aggiunge MandaRhino tipico cibo della cucina di Dino Croccantino!!