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mod_CraftBack by Esteban Perez

read the forum

mod_CraftableBedrockMod by 99EXTRASTUFF, MCreator

This Mod let you craft bedrock and do all the fun thing with it :)

mod_CraftableChainmail by smashinbedrock, MCreator

adds craftable chainmail to minecraft

mod_CraftableFeather by MegaCorentin69, MCreator

You can now craft a feather ! Enjoy

mod_CraftableGrassMod by 4DaDiamonds, MCreator

Craft grass!

mod_CraftableObsidian by Shane_jen, MCreator

You can craft obsidian :D

mod_CraftableSpawnEggs by Wyatt Wheeler, MCreator

mod_Craftblechiseledtonebrickmod by Leoncino5, MCreator

mod_CraftdemPearls by CreeperSuicide, MCreator

Craft some endy pearls

mod_CrafttheUncraftable by Mrcafecito1212, MCreator

Craft things that don't have a crafting recipe by default!