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This is an example mod

ModBioCodeV2 by Furti_32, MCreator

Bio and Code

ModBlocker by Waterdude


Provides final control over mods to the player.

ModBrowser by Crafterchen3

Its a Mod which can install other mods.

ModCarlos by Usuario, MCreator

ModClothingplus by Titoo8899, MCreator

new Clothing in Minecraft



ModCore Container Mod by Sk1er LLC

This exists only to show how to properly implement ModCore and for us to test it .


Enter short description here

ModDelayer by MazeXD

ModGUI by MinusKube

Mod permettant de modifier le GUI du base du jeu.

ModGames Forge Mod by mypalsminecraft, TurtlePoop2001

The mod that governs all minigames.


This is an example mod