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Malek's Better Plains by MalekiRe, MCreator

Malek's Infinity Gauntlet by MalekiRe

Thanos Snap pesky mods' items, blocks, ores, biomes, enchantments, recipes, and potions out of existance. This mod prevents whatever you put in the maleksregistry file from being registered to the game registry.

Malek's Multiblock Mobs by MalekiRe

A rebirth of the night mod, allowing for creation of easy multiblock mobs like the wither


This is a modern tech mod.


This is a modern tech mod.

Malisis Core by Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter

API rendering and ASM transformations.

Malleable by Hea3veN


ManPuppy's Fixes & Tweaks by ManPuppy

A personal mod that tweaks Minecraft and fixes gameplay mechanics.

Mana AE by Someoneice

Mana AE