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MaintenanceSponge by KennyTV

Enable maintenance mode with a custom maintenance motd and icon.

Mais Creepers Mod by GABRIEL, MCreator

Maize Blocks - English by Maize

A simple mod that adds English letters to Minecraft - Alphabet Blocks!

Maize Blocks - Extended Latin by Maize

Additional Latin-based letters add-on for Maize Blocks - English

Maize Blocks - French by Maize

French characters add-on for Maize Blocks - English

Majora's Mask mod by Bladeking68

Adds Masks,Mobs,Weapons,Items and more!

Make The Nether Great Again! by Joshwoo70

Make The Nether Great Again!

MakeCustomItem by hxyzg, MCreator



Linkseyi's ModMaker

Maker CraftingTable by MakerTim

Crafting doesn't need UI.

Maker Retro Pack by MakerTim

The tweak mod for Maker Retro Pack.

Maker's Mark by HitchH1k3r

Allows players to mark items, create unique coins, and verify the creator of various things.

MakersFactory Utility by Joe Allington

Server-side only utility features for Minecraft Forge and MinecraftEdu.