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Mushrooms Mod by MushroomManToad

Magic from the Practical

Music by gdenga

music mod

Music Blocks by DJ_Gamer523/JoJo7844German

Music Choices by Tmtravlr

Lets you change the music that plays in different dimensions and biomes, including modded ones. Also lets you play music in the menu. Put the music files in a folder 'MusicChoices' in the config file, in the folder with the number corresponding to the dimension ID (for example, the folder '-1' for the Nether), the 'Menu' folder for menu music, or the folder in one of the 'Biomes' or 'Biome Types' folders with the name of the biome / biome type you want them to play in.

Music Disc Mod by Jonah, MCreator

Music Fix

Fixes the music overlap in 1.7.2, specifically with background music and records.

Music Layer by APengu

A mod that adds an easy layer of music that can be manipulated/chosen by multiple mods.

Music Mod by Elite Technologies, Rift Mods

A mod that adds in Music

Music Pack by David Waters, MCreator

Music Pack by U�ivatel, MCreator

Music Show by k5vi1, MCreator

Music Triggers by The_Computerizer

Sets the music based on in game triggers

Music mcMML

Instruments & MIDI mod.

Music++ by Niklas, MCreator