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MineFAMOUS: Second Craft by

MineFAMOUS: Second Craft is a mod based off the game InFAMOUS: Second Son. But do not fear, this mod does NOT require a PS4 to play!

MineFX by superbas11

Adds Alienware LightFX support for minecraft.

MineFactory Reloaded by PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, Feanorith, skyboy026

Automate everything!

tech chunkloading

MineFactoryReloaded Compatability: MagicalCrops (Standard) by cubecull

Compatibility layer for standard crops in MagicalCrops with farming machines in MineFactory Reloaded.

MineFantasyII Offhand Addon by nerd-boy, GotoLink, coolAlias


Realistic, balanced, and high-tech security mod.

MineFracturing by ObsiLP, wara286

A mod that adds Fracturing to the game to get ores!