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Door Break Fix by Rivvest

Fixes the bug where the broken animation of a door lingers around after the door is broken or the zombie has moved on

Door Gear by Cly_Faker

Armor and tools made out of doors!

Doors Encanto by Kleiders


Doors O' Plenty by Murded1

Adds door variants for the Biomes O' Plenty materials

Doors crustfix by Snus1k_2009

Crustfix from roblox doors

Doragenai Mod by PrimeGaku

Doragenai! Doragenai! :)

Dorito Mod by By: Jul2040

Official Mod of Dorito Squad.

Dot Connector

Connects the dots between Fossils and Archaeology Revival and CoFHCore's retrogen.

DotAuthBypass by hac_k_kons

liquidbounce is freedoooom

Dota 2 items by Hunternif

Still a work in progress, this mod aims to recreate items from Dota 2 in Minecraft, keeping as much of their original look-and-feel as possible.

DouBan Craft by §6 LDS_DB

§4A Mod

Double Blocks by ahmdq, MCreator

Modified blocks from Minecraft that makes them look more realistic than the normal textures!

Double Door Mod by kirsybuu

Enjoy Double Doors, Double Trap Doors, and Double Fence Gates in Forge!

Double Wide Surprise by matt-159

A 1.7.10 Minecraft mod that doubles the size of the minecraft player inventory.

DoubleJump by K4Unl

Double jump on command!