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DumpItemData by Okkapel683

/dumpitemdata to print info about the held item to the server log. /dumpblockdata for blocks: run the command and right-click on the block.

Dumpster by 3TUSK

Void unwanted stuff into black hole, in an efficient manner.

Dumpster Diving by Servant_Girl

Dig in garbage to find useful bits and bobs! Reuse! Recycle!

DunGen by Ethanh59

Adds dungeons and other related stuff.

Dung Pipe by BordListian

A pragmatic solution to pulling items out of stubborn machines.

Dungeon Crawler by FatherToast

Ever wanted to be that one guy that survives by using paper clips? Well fret no more! This mod may not include paper clips, but it does include just about everything you need to survive in a world without the comfort of having a home.

dungeons util

Dungeon Mobs

Dungeon Mobs is intended to be a more dangerous analogue to Mo' Creatures.

dungeons mobs

Dungeon Realms Unofficial Mod by xIGBClutchIx

Dungeon Realms Unofficial Mod.

Dungeon Realms Unofficial Mod by xIGBClutchIx

Easily compare item stats and more!

Dungeon Tools by Letiu

Adds helpful things for dungeons.

Dungeon Tweaks by jredfox

Configure Dungeon Mobs with nbt and jockie support

Dungeon Tweaks by jredfox

Modify Dungeon Mob Entries and Add NBT Ones As Well

DungeonDQ by Guriguri

It is MOD to add about 90 large, medium and small dungeons, streets and other buildings.


Based off of D&D

DungeonPack by Stuuupiiid

DungeonPack adds a lot of new dungeons.