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TweakCraft by RisingDemon

General miscellaneous tweaks and additions

Tweaked by Snowdonia Games

Minecraft/Mod Tweaks and Scripting Language

Tweaked Excavation by Srki_2K

Adding more options to IE's excavators.

Tweaked Lib by Srki_2K

Common code for Tweaked mods

Tweaked Petroleum by Srki_2K

Tweaking IP's reservoirs and pumpjack.

Tweaked Petroleum: Gas Addon by Srki_2K

Adding Mek gas support to pumpjacks.


Tweaks Foods And Adds Some Too

Tweaker by asbyth, h1nk, prplz

continuation of h1nk's tweaker mod / prplz steev mod, using mixins

Tweaker by asbyth

:crab: mc bugs are gone :crab:

Tweaker GUI by SuoLianGao

Added in-game GUI screen to edit CraftTweaker recipes.

Tweakeroo by masa

Adds a bunch of configurable client-side tweaks

Tweakers Construct by RCXcrafter

Miscelleaneous tweaks for tinkers' construct

Tweaks Craft by Romonov

A little mod with some little ideas.


Fügt sachen aus Minecraft Twemi hinzu!

Twerk-Sim 2K16 by Funwayguy, Darkosto

Work it, twerk it, grow that wood!

Twig's Grubs Mod by twigmakka

Colourful grubs <3 (placeholder description)