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Teleporting XP by That Martin Guy

Adds a gamerule that teleports XP to the closest player, instead of cluttering the ground and causing lag.

Telepotions by Rodro

Teleportation potions, as the original mod name implies.

Telescopefix by Bennyboy1695

Fixes the gui opening of the astral sorcery telescope

Teletubbie by Rexbas, Asterions

Teletubbies for Minecraft

Teletubbies by Rexbas, Asterions/TrezionTvS

Teletubbies for Minecraft

Telex by andrenoel

Teleport X allows very fast chat commands to teleport to 11 different positions. Intended to jump between a work location(x) and up to 10 other locations(0-9). User specific teleport points that also preserve your view angles. /x to go and /xx to set location.


Extends Minecraft with crazy stuff like Adamant or Meteor Bombs!

Tell Me by masa

Provides some information about various things

Tell the Time by moosipea

A very simple mod to tell you the current time & date

Telomerase Addon by FaceTorched, Yeahminecraft16

Adds items and compatibility for TFC+ and other mods

TempestParty by Cecer

TemPestRocket party manager!

Template Wands by MineMaarten

Copy and paste structures in Minecraft Survival Mode!

Temporal Dynamics by k1ltu

Applying Science To Time

TemporaryBlock by ryoryo

This mod adds Temporary Block.