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Team Marker by Reflxction

A Minecraft mod which highlights your teammates

TeamBR-Core by Dyonovan, pauljoda

Function Library for Team BR Modding.

TeamFortress 2 Mod by GoodFishMan, MCreator

More stuff in the future!

TeamFortressCraft by xphoese

Adds weapons and gadgets for Valve's amazing game, Team Fortress 2!

TeamInfo by Kovu

Displays friends' stats and other stuff.

TeamLapen Library

Library currently only used by Vampirism and thereby included in it

TeamPing by Aqua_tic(AqUpd)

Ping mod like in Portal 2/other multiplayer games.


Mod de la team pony

TeamSpeak 3 Chat Mod by PsychoMark

TeamSync by tilera

Syncs the FTBLib teams with scoreboard teams

Teams by daPoseidonGuy

Adds functional teams to the game

TeamspeakBridge by Dogboy21

Anknüpfung des TSBots an die Minecraft-ServerAnknüpfung des TSBots an die Minecraft-Server