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the Custom API by zxil

the Custom API that create by Zxil.

the Potatogun Mod by jss2a98aj

Adds a potato gun and more.

the X-files by the sloth, MCreator

the crazy world by Jason, MCreator

the elemental mod by twistcharlie312, MCreator

made by twistcharlie

the iron golem summoner by Thedrawingcreeper, MCreator

now you can spawn a iron golem !!! with out colecting a buntch of iron and pumkins!

the mx_wj by ExampleDude


the village by SUPERMAGDA, MCreator

the world by ����, MCreator

the_elevator by Leonite22, Xx_Scrap_xX

the_pct by Hmc

made by an idiot use mcretor


All things everything


Adds 2 dimension and a load of content

thebebistsmod by thebebist, MCreator


Mod adds Wild Boar and other items.


This is an example mod


Adds Doctors from Doctor who into your Minecraft