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Thermal Additions by SerStarStory

Some generic mod description

Thermal Conversion by Stuin

Universal energy translation through basic furnace mechanics.

Thermal Cultivation by Team CoFH

Thermal gets Agrarian - provides options for farming and related activities!

Thermal Dynamics

Thermal meets Dynamic - Ducts!

Thermal Expansion by CoFH

Expanding Minecraft thermally - provides new options for automation and processing!


Thermal Expansion Specialization Hooks by JoshieGemFinder

A simple mod that adds hooks for some Thermal Expansion machine specializations (currently: Trivection Chamber, Flux Anodizers, Tectonic Initiator, Pyro-Concentrator). If CraftTweaker and ModTweaker are installed, it will add a addOreOverride, hasOreOverride & removeOreOverride method to each machine's ZenScript import, with extra corresponding food methods to the Redstone Furnace for the Trivection Chamber. Overrides targeting a single item have top priority, overrides targeting the wildcard damage (32767) of a single item have secondary priority, and overrides targeting an OreDictionary entry have lowest priority.

Thermal Foundation

The foundation of a Thermally enhanced world!

Thermal Golems Addon by skyjay1

Extra Golems support for Thermal Foundation

Thermal Innovation by Team CoFH

Thermal technology marches on. Adds Thermal-style tools and equipment!

Thermal Integrate by DX12

Mod That Adds Some Variety To The Thermal Series.

Thermal Logistics by Astavie, Thaumatarge

Logistics Pipes, but servos.

Thermal MJ by Trinsdar

Makes the thermal mods able to use and produce mj

Thermal Recycling by OreCruncher

Thermal Expansion 4.x add-on that provides additional recipes for recycling

Thermal Science by Creysys

Adds various science related machines and recipes.

Thermal Shade by Ferreus Veritas

A small mod that patches the Thermal Dynamics implementation to work with ShadersModCore.

Thermal Singularities by WanionCane

bringing Thermal Singularities to Avaritia!