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Teddyware by ChompChompDead

A 1.12.2 hack client used for anarchy.


Adds a tedious but easy way to get emeralds.


This is an example mod

TeeLuk's PrinterBlock

It's like paint in Minecraft... yay!

TeeLuk's SpecialArmor

Blow up your 'friends' with TNT-playte :> ..yay!

Teemo's Tweaks by fabbe50

Tweaks Minecraft the way I want it.

Teemos Client Utilities by fabbe50

Client Tweaks for my liking.

Tehin Super Herkut by TehCraftClub99

Tehin herkku modi.

Tek Drone by TangoTek

Drones. Nuff said.

Tekkit Jaffa Cakes by Jon, phantamanta44, Sslime7

Eat Jaffa cakes!


TekkitCore is a feature core that is the fastest responsive core that optimizes mods to be 10% faster for your client and adds some modpack features.

Tektopia InfoTablet by Creepler13

Infotabblet for Tektopia.

Tektopia Information by §6Bletch§r

§fThis extension adds additional information for use with §bTektopia§a 1.1.0§f. §fBuilt with: §bForge§f §bJEI§f §bHwyla§f 1.8.26-B41_1.12.2 §bThe One Probe§f 1.12-1.4.28-17

Tektopia Recycler by §6Bletch§r

§fThis extension adds a village recycler for use with §bTektopia§a 1.1.0§f. §fBuilt with: §bForge§f

Tektopia Thief by §6Bletch§r

§fThis extension adds a thief for use with §bTektopia§a 1.1.0§f. §fBuilt with: §bForge§f