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Technotia by Creepinson101

Technology, Electronics, Storage, Power, Transportation, and More!

Techy by Tbsc


This is an example mod

TectoCraft by Beamfield

This mod adds useful gadgets what you can use to make your life much easier.

Teddyware by ChompChompDead

A 1.12.2 hack client used for anarchy.


Adds a tedious but easy way to get emeralds.


This is an example mod

TeeLuk's PrinterBlock

It's like paint in Minecraft... yay!

TeeLuk's SpecialArmor

Blow up your 'friends' with TNT-playte :> ..yay!

Teemo's Tweaks by fabbe50

Tweaks Minecraft the way I want it.

Teemos Client Utilities by fabbe50

Client Tweaks for my liking.

Tehin Super Herkut by TehCraftClub99

Tehin herkku modi.

Tek Drone by TangoTek

Drones. Nuff said.