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Titans of Yore by Tammy, MCreator

Title Broadcaster

A Title Based Broadcaste Plugin

Title Changer by maxwell-lt

Changes the Minecraft window title.

Title Changer by Nucha

You can change your Minecraft window name

Title Zones by widd

A Sponge plugin that allows you to define zones that send Titles to Players who cross their borders.

TitleMOTD by rojo8399

TitleMusic by EliseZeroTwo


This is an example mod

TmTmc-Gravels by smmmadden, MCreator

Take Me To Minecraft - Gravels

TmTmc-OresAndMore by smmmadden, MCreator

Take Me To Minecraft - Ores And More

Tmtravlr's Arrow Trails by Tmtravlr

Adds some simple arrow trails. 'Paint' them onto your bow using a Bow Painter and dyes or a few special items.

Tmtravlr's Timer by Tmtravlr

Adds a simple timer set by commands. All commands start with /timer, so type that and press tab to see what's available.

TnTTag Timer by Explode

A timer to display the time left before explosion.


TnT mob go Boom