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TerraFirmaCraft by Bioxx, Dunkleosteus

TerraFirmaCraft is a total conversion for minecraft that tries to bring hardcore believability to minecraft.

TerraFirmaCraft 2 by bioxx, kittychanley

TerraFirmaCraft 2 is a total conversion for minecraft that tries to bring hardcore believability to minecraft.

TerraFirmaCraft+ by Dunkleosteus, Bioxx, Kittychanley

Survival Mode as it should have been.

TerraFirmaCraftAdventure by dragon060810

Terrafirmacraft+'s plugin for an overall enhanced gaming experience

TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin by Dries007

TerraFirmaCraft + NEI = <3

TerraFirmaGreg by SpeeeDCraft, Xikaro

Mod from the creators of the TerraFirmaGreg modpack, which allows TFC and GTCEu to work with each other.

TerraFirmaPumpkins by Peffern

This mod adds growable pumpkin plants to TerraFirmaCraft.

TerraFirmaPunk Tweaks by JAWolfe, OneWolfe

Various tweaks for the TerraFirmaPunk Pack.

TerraFirmaStuff by Bunsan, AnodeCathode

Adding Extra Stuff to TFC for better compatibility.

TerraFirmaThings by Lyeoj

An addon for Terrafirmacraft TNG. Adds fun stuff!

TerraMine by iJimmy198

TerraMine is bassed in the Incredible game of Terraria. Venture into TerraMine and have fun for hours with all the new items that this mod adds ... Magic, bosses, weapons, tools and much more is that you'll find in TerraMine!

TerraMisc by Powerman913717

§bThis mod adds additional functionality for use with TerraFirmaCraft §a0.79.20.§r


This is an example mod

TerraPlusPlus by DaPorkchop_, SmylerMC, noahhusby, BTE Development Community

A feature-rich fork of Terra121 focusing on performance.

TerraSatelliteMapper by m4ndeokyi

Generates satellite imagery data into Terra++ World.

TerraThaumcraft by TaeoG

Compatibility overhaul for Thaumcraft to make it work with Terrafirmacraft


This is an example mod