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Starting armor tier one

Tiered Depths by Tfarecnim

A mod about restricting depths.

Tiered Hammers by Squirtle8459

Adds a few simple tiered hammers..

Tiered Magnets by MiningMark48, codyrule, kaosjr


Tiered Tooltips by Stapleton

Allows colouring Item tooltips based on what GameStage the item is apart of.


This is an example mod


Este mod es una actualizacion dl que ya habia hecho en a 1.5.2 espero que lo disfruten.


Nueva actualizacion del Tierra Mod

TiffitLib by Tiffit

Library of code.

Tiger Kus' by ilyapirogov

Very simple mod which doesn't allow to hurt Tigers

Tiger's Mod (TigMod)

This adds color (mainly orange) to your world! And cool thingys

TigurForge by ExampleDude Forge Mods

Tile Accelerator by 1p6

A mod that allows you to speed up machines!

Tile Interface by elix_x


Tile Accelerators - Overpowering Automation

TileEntity Reset Fix by TCLProject

Fixes a critical issue with forge that can cause TE data to get reset.