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CaijiSword by ExampleDude

Caipys Starwars Mod by Craipy

Minecraft Star wars armor

Cake Chomps by C4

Adds sound and crumb particles when you eat cake.



CakeIsALie Mod by Toinane

CakeIsALie mod added more cakes in Minecraft ! Happy meals !

CakeMod by Tutta, MCreator

CakeSaver by nomer888

Save cake!

CalcCrT by BloodWorkXGaming

Mod that removes recipes from calculator, made for ATM:E

CalcMod by jsa2025

Calculator mod in chat with minecraft related functions.

CalclaviaCore by Calclavia, DarkCow, tgame14


Calculations by ChaosTheDude

A clientside mod that provides a simple calculator GUI.

Calculator by Roxox1/QVBA

Adds a functioning calculator to minecraft.


Adds Calculators with hundreds of hidden recipes, animated textures, and ways to make survival less frustrating. Including easier ways to have some food and landscape your world. Work your way up through different levels of Calculators until you reach the Flawless Calculator. Find recipes that you can use as a weapon for your advantage. This mod is currently still in development and I am welcoming new ideas for additions to the mod. Thank you for trying the Calculator Mod