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Color Tools by FEDERIK07, MCreator

Color lamps by user, MCreator

ColorAnvil by Zerthick

Name Items With Color!

ColorBiomesTest1 by FoxTrot59_YT, MCreator

Enter short description here


un mod rajoutant des bloc de couleur et des épés améliorer

ColorBlocks 2 by ExampleDude

Example placeholder mod.


Add COLOR to your MineCRAFT

ColorLuckBlock by Jimmy


More colorful swords


This Mod adds color Armor And weapons to the Game!It is sill in bata.Enjoy!


This is an example mod

Colorable Quartz by Matthewsworld

Adds 15 new colors to Quartz!


This mod create for Wasteland mod, because colorants in few amount in this mod.

Colored Blocks by Xcisso

A custom block that can be used for pixel art.

Colored Blocks Mod by Gregorio246

You want more colored blocks? Don't have them? Now you do!

Colored Bricks Mod by fulimester, MCreator

Adds 16 Colored Bricks, Colored Brick Stairs/Wall & more!